Denver North AJROTC

Represents: Denver North High School AJROTC

Current Record: 1 - 6

Season Average: 1505.31

Game Score: 1498.8

Kaiserslautern AFJROTC

Represents: Kaiserslautern AFJROTC

Current Record: 2 - 4

Season Average: 1529.76

Game Score: 1536.8

Kaiserslautern AFJROTC (2 - 1) 1536.8 defeats Denver North AJROTC (1 - 1) 1498.8

Competition Recap

Kaiserslautern AFJROTC defeats Denver North AJROTC

Kaiserslautern AFJROTC defeated Denver North AJROTC 1536.8 to 1498.8 last week in the National Air Rifle League. Their second win in a row. With the win, Kaiserslautern AFJROTC is in eleventh place overall and sixth place within their 'Jrotc' conference. They currently have a 2 - 3 record. Kaiserslautern AFJROTC was led by, Jonathan Stricker who shot a 390.8. The remaining contributing members were Reigen Pezel, Marina Benavides, and Vivian Dougherty. Kaiserslautern AFJROTC is from Kaiserslautern, Germany, and is coached by Eric San Pedro.

Denver North AJROTC currently has a 1 - 4 record. After the loss they are in twelfth place overall and seventh place within their 'Jrotc' conference. Shooting their highest team score of the season Denver North AJROTC was led by, Abigail Orozco who shot a 386.3. The remaining contributing members were Danika Fitzgerald, Mark Semien, and Elisabeth Hernandez-Caballero. Denver North AJROTC is from Denver, CO, and is coached by Scott Lynch .

This coming week Kaiserslautern AFJROTC has a bye week. While Denver North AJROTC will compete against La Cueva MCJROTC from Albuquerque, NM. La Cueva MCJROTC currently has a 4 - 1 record.

These two teams are competing in the Precision Champions Division of the Orion National Air Rifle League. Sponsored by the Orion Scoring System, the league is a national team league for high school teams and junior rifle clubs. The Champions Division is the most difficult division in the conference. The league has two parts. An 8 week regular season going on now. Followed by a single-elimination tournament, for the top eight teams who will compete for the league championship.

In each game the teams compete in what is known as a Standing Air Rifle match. The match is nearly identical to the air rifle events in the Olympic Games. Each athlete shoots 40 shots in the standing position, the most difficult position in rifle competitions. Each shot is worth a maximum of 10.9 points. The sum of points scored in the 40 shots is the athlete's total. The team score is comprised of the best four athletes from each team.

For more information on the league, including complete standings, visit

Box Score:

Kaiserslautern AFJROTC team page:

Denver North AJROTC team page:

11 Oct-17 Nov 21

Rank Participant Region ST 1 ST 2 ST 3 ST 4 Team
1 Kaiserslautern AFJROTC APO, AE 379.6 384.2 393.9 390.0 1536.8
Stricker, Jonathan Paul (361723) 91.4 98.6 100.9 99.9 390.8
Pezel, Reigen (377323) 96.3 95.9 98.5 97.2 387.9
Benavides, Marina Anais (361719) 94.7 93.0 97.0 95.1 379.8
Dougherty, Vivian Katherine (332263) 91.1 95.3 97.5 94.4 378.3
Malcolm, Aiden Alexander (361720) 97.2 93.8 87.2 97.8 376.0
San Pedro, Hannah Soliman (377318) 88.7 94.4 93.6 95.1 371.8
2 Denver North AJROTC Denver, CO 368.2 371.2 373.7 385.7 1498.8
Orozco, Abigail (320320) 98.2 94.4 95.1 98.6 386.3
Fitzgerald, Danika (379819) 93.3 90.2 93.1 99.3 375.9
Semien, Mark (326168) 89.6 92.3 92.9 94.6 369.4
Hernandez-Caballero, Elisabeth (379814) 87.1 94.3 92.6 93.2 367.2

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